Holy Cow!

Friday, January 30, 2009
I cannot believe how much I've gotten done this month!!!!
I'll try to get it all in here!

Our entire newborn stash:

Our entire small stash:

5 large diapers for K:

7 Large diapers for K:

Newborn Longies and hat for M:

Fair Isle Longies for K:

I think that's it! I'll post more as I remember.
For now, I'm totally bummed that my sewing machine needs to go in for a cleaning. Strange noises are not supposed to come from them. It's a newer machine and I've never had it serviced, so I guess it's time. I hope it doesn't hinder my motivation though. I've got 8 more larges to sew, 3 large diapers ordered from another mom, and 20 mediums to sew for new babe's stash. That and a bazillion other projects I want to complete before she arrives. Crazy!