My Favorite Panty!

Friday, July 27, 2012
I have to disclose that I have not been asked to give this review.

I was in Target yesterday and searching through the underwear.  I hate buying underwear.  I can never justify buying the cute ones that are $6 each or more.  I always get the prepackaged ones, and unfortunately, that means I settle for ugly patterns and colors.  I'd be better off with plain white, but that's boring.

So I happened upon Fruit of the Loom "My Favorite Panty" boy shorts.  I don't usually wear boy short undies, opting for bikini instead.  What attracted me to them is the lack of elastic.

I've made my children tons of undies and I would love to make my own.  But there aren't any simple patterns that I could find free or cheap.  So these screamed... tutorial!

This morning I donned my first pair of "My Favorite Panty" boy shorts.  AMAZING!!!
They are MY FAVORITE!!  They're so comfy you don't even know they're there.  I think the package even says that!  So true!

Here are a couple of pictures:

Being the frugal shopper that I am, I've already searched the internet this morning to see if I can find them cheaper than Target.  I believe I paid just under $8 for a 3-pack.
I can't find them anywhere!  Not even the Target website!  I will most likely pick up another pack if they have anymore.  This was the only one on the rack!

But, it is my goal... This weekend I will make my own undies!!!  And I'll be back to share what I accomplish!

Until then!
God Bless your day!